Anasayfa » Akbiyik Mosque
Akbıyık Camii - Akbiyik Mosque
Akbıyık Camii - Akbiyik Mosque

Akbiyik Mosque

Akbiyik Mosque, one of the oldest mosques of Istanbul, is situated in Ahirkapi between the rialroad and seashore and was built for one of the statesmen of Fatih Sultan Mehmet period, Akbiyik Muhyiddin Efendi, in 1464.

Sultan Ahmet Mh.
34122 Fatih / Istanbul

41.003372, 28.979294
Latitude: 41°0′12.14″N (41.003372)
Longitude: 28°58′45.46″E (28.979294)

Date Of Construction: 1453 – 1464

Who built: Sair Akbiyikli Mehmet

Renovations: 1950

Architecture: Ottoman

The Minaret: 1

How Many m²: 192 m²

The damages occurred in time was repaired by the help of Sultan Abdulhamit II, and lastly it was restored in 1950. Due to repairs it has seen in time, it has lost its original state. Since it stands closer to Mecca than the other mosques of İstanbul (of the time it was built), it got the name “Imaul-Mesacid” which means the leader of the mosques.

The district was also called with the same name until 1934. It was included into the District of Sultanahmet in that year. As mentioned above, the tomb of its benefactor, Muhyiddin Efendi, is in the garden of the mosque.

It has a square design with a wooden roof and has an inner space of 192 square metres. The minaret with a single balcony still preserves its old body and balcony. Minbar was added subsequently.

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